Nos terroirs préservés LAVANY Bourbon de Madagascar

Carte de Madagascar avec le positionnement de notre village de Betavilona


madagascar, located in the Indian Ocean, is recognized as the center of culture of the best Vanilla.

With around 1200 tonnes, its annual production accounts for 70-80% of world production.

Carte de la SAVA zone de production de la Vanille LAVANY Bourbon de Madagascar


The north-eastern region of Madagascar is thus called S.A.V.A. for Sambava, Antalaha, Vohémar and Andapa, the four main cities of the production districts. It meets the ideal conditions for the cultivation of the Vanilla: a tropical humid climate with average temperatures between 20 °C and 30 °C.

Rains are abundant from December to March, low in September and October, average the rest of the year.

STABEX - Manuel de vulgarisation de la préparation de la Vanille à Madagascar


Through the STABEX programme on GHGS (SAVA Group of Enterprises) and the GNEV (Vanilla Exporters Group) have put in place a quality technical framework for the benefit of professionals grouped around a hundred village associations.

Every year, malagasy Vanilla exporters must renew their export licence complying with the regulations in force in Madagascar.

Anyone can't take advantage of being able to export Vanilla ...

This " quality approach " Initiated by the Malagasy Government and supported by the European Union values the rigour of the work of culture and the preparation of the Malagasy Vanilla.
It is now adopted by many operators: planters, refiners and exporters.

logos GES (Groupement des Entreprises de la SAVA) et GNEV (Groupement des Exportateurs de Vanille)

Village de Betavilona Vue du ciel Malgache

The village of Betavilona in Madagascar - GPS coordinates 14.77696 - 49.93605

Vanillier avec gousses vertes de Vanille LAVANY Bourbon de Madagascar et Anicet le planteur à Betavilona

Vanilla liane and Green Vanilla transport in canoe.


The village of Betavilona is isolated in the heart of the SAVA in the Malagasy bush at about 300 meters altitude.
It is an environment preserved in the middle of primary forests to the endemic lush flora specific to Madagascar.

Our vanilla plantations are located in a mountainous forested area, in the unique terroir of intense red colour, outside urban, industrial and agricultural pollution.

The village is not served by any road. Alone the Ankavana River allows us to travel in a long day of motor canoeing between our plantations and the city of Antalaha headquarters of our refining and storage station Manambato bordering the Indian Ocean.

Our basic farming profession comes from the traditional expertise bequeathed by previous generations. He hasn't changed much. Agricultural work in plantations is always entirely manual.

All plantations managed by the RANJA family have been certified for four years AB - Organic Agriculture par logo ECOCERT Certification des Vanilles LAVANY Bourbon à Madagascar

logo Vanille LAVANY Bourbon de Madagascar