Delivery by road carrier against signature


to your address logo DPD - Livraison à votre adresse offerte à  partir de 75 € d'achat

from 136 € purchase

The package is delivered to you in 24-48 hours AGAINST Signature, monday to friday.

Serenity : Follow-up information for your order is available on the Internet 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, on the tracking tool


to your address logo CHRONOPOST

The package is delivered to you in 2-6 days AGAINST Signature, monday to friday.

Serenity : Follow-up information for your order is available on the Internet 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, on the tracking tool

DELIVERY TO OUR MAGASIN logo vanillelavany notre magasin à Albi

take away without charge

Delivery time immediate by appointment from monday to friday
14 rue Alan Turing - 81000 ALBI - France - Tel.: 05 63 47 77 68


  • When transport is invoiced for France, vAT 20% applies on the invoice.
  • When the transport is invoiced outside France, vAT does not apply on the invoice, the latter being in Export

For more information, see APPENDIX 2 - DELIVERY POLICY at the bottom of the page of our General Sales Conditions.